Do You Need an Executive Assistant? Try Out Our Checklist
Are you wondering if it's time to get an executive assistant? If you find yourself nodding along to any of these scenarios, it might just be your cue to start looking for that perfect right-hand professional!
Never Enough Hours in the Day
Do you frequently wish for a 25th hour?
Are your to-do lists longer than a CVS receipt?
Missed Meetings and Double Bookings
Have you ever missed an important meeting because it slipped your mind?
Do you find yourself double-booked more often than not?
Inbox Overflow
Is your email inbox more crowded than a New York subway at rush hour?
Do important emails get lost in the shuffle?
Travel Troubles
Does the thought of booking another flight or hotel make you cringe?
Are you spending more time planning travel than actually traveling?
Paperwork Piling Up
Is your desk buried under paperwork that you just can't seem to get to?
Do you feel like you're drowning in documents?
Networking Neglected
Are you struggling to keep up with your professional contacts?
Do you forget to follow up after networking events?
Errands Eating Up Your Day
Are personal errands creeping into your work time?
Do you find yourself running out for coffee or dry-cleaning during office hours?
Decision Fatigue
Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of daily decisions you need to make?
Are minor decisions starting to feel like major ones?
Stress Levels Skyrocketing
Is your work-life balance non-existent?
Do you feel like stress is a constant companion?
Creativity Cramped
Do administrative tasks leave you with no time for creative or strategic thinking?
Are you unable to focus on the "big picture" tasks that drive your business forward?
If you checked off more than a few of these boxes, it’s probably time to consider bringing an executive assistant into your life. An EA can handle the daily grind, giving you the freedom to focus on what you do best- growing your business and enjoying your life!