Executive Assistant Happiness Checklist: Ensuring Job Satisfaction
Being an executive assistant involves a complex set of responsibilities that can be both rewarding and challenging. Our focus is always to keep our principal and team feeling happy by supporting and motivating them! But who looks after us? In order to be a productive and efficient EA, we must first ensure the role we are in is right for us, and the company we’re working hard to keep organised recognises our hard work. To ensure you remain happy and fulfilled in your role, consider this simple checklist and evaluate it regularly throughout ongoing roles and when starting a new EA role:
Work-Life Balance
☐ Are you able to maintain a healthy balance between your professional responsibilities and personal life?
☐ Do you feel you have enough time for personal pursuits outside of work hours?
Professional Growth
☐ Are there opportunities for professional development and growth in your current role?
☐ Do you feel supported by your executive and organisation in pursuing further education or training?
Recognition and Respect
☐ Do you feel valued and respected by your executive and colleagues?
☐ Are your contributions acknowledged and appreciated in tangible ways?
Work Environment
☐ Is your work environment positive and conducive to productivity?
☐ Do you have the tools and resources necessary to perform your job effectively?
Autonomy and Support
☐ Do you have sufficient autonomy in your role to make decisions?
☐ Are you receiving the support you need from your executive and team to succeed?
Compensation and Benefits
☐ Are you satisfied with your compensation, including your salary, bonuses, and benefits?
☐ Does your compensation reflect your workload and the level of responsibility you hold?
Challenge and Engagement
☐ Do you find your daily tasks challenging and engaging?
☐ Are you involved in projects that stimulate your interest and skills?
Feedback and Communication
☐ Do you receive constructive feedback that helps you improve your performance?
☐ Is there open and effective communication with your executive and team members?
Job Security
☐ Do you feel secure in your current position?
☐ Are there clear career paths available within your organisation?
Stress and Workload
☐ Do you feel the workload is manageable, and stress levels are within a healthy range?
☐ Are there mechanisms in place to address workplace stress effectively?
Regularly going through this checklist can help you identify areas of satisfaction and aspects that might need attention. Being proactive about your happiness and well-being in the workplace is crucial to thriving as an executive assistant.